SSL: What It Is, And Why Do You Need It For Your Website?

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Unlocking the secrets of online security and elevating your website to the next level of trustworthiness, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a digital shield you can’t afford to overlook. And though you might often see GoDaddy’s youtube promotion of why you need an SSL (no offence to them), SSL’s importance was visualised by Google back in 2014, when they revealed to the general public that websites were given an upper hand in search engine rankings if they had an SSL certificate.

In this article, we delve into the captivating world of SSL, demystifying its importance and unraveling the reasons why your website craves its protection. From safeguarding sensitive data to boosting search engine rankings, keep reading til the end, and find out everything you need to get your website in tip-top shape.

What Is An SSL Certificate?

Imagine a virtual fortress protecting your website, shielding it from cyber intruders and providing visitors with an unshakable sense of security. 

That’s where SSLs come in, a formidable defender standing at the forefront of online protection. Short for Secure Sockets Layer, SSL is a digital technology that encrypts the communication between a website and its visitors, transforming sensitive data into an indecipherable secret code.

It’s like speaking in an encrypted language that only the intended recipient can understand. This cryptographic shield not only safeguards critical information like credit card details, passwords, and personal data from prying eyes but also ensures that the connection remains private and trustworthy. 

From online stores handling transactions to blogs collecting user information, SSL acts as a digital armour, instilling confidence and preserving confidentiality in an ever-evolving cyber landscape. 

Different Types of SSL Certificates

When it comes to securing your website with SSL certificates, one size certainly does not fit all. SSL comes in various types, each tailored to meet different needs, budgets, and online organisation structures. 

Single Domain SSL Certificate

First up, we have the Single Domain SSL Certificate. As the name suggests, it is dedicated to a single domain or subdomain. Its protection is exclusive, ensuring that no other domain or subdomain can utilise it. If you have a specific online presence that requires focused security, this certificate has got you covered.

Wildcard SSL Certificate

Next on the list is the Wildcard SSL Certificate, a versatile option for those who have a main domain and multiple subdomains to protect. With this certificate, your entire domain and its subdomains will bask in the warm glow of encrypted security. It’s like having a master key that unlocks every digital door under your domain’s umbrella.

Unified Communications SSL Certificate

For the multitaskers among us, the Unified Communications (UCC) SSL Certificate is a game-changer. Here, multiple domains can find solace under a single SSL certificate. Depending on the provider, this certificate can accommodate an impressive number of domains (up to 250) and their associated subdomains. It’s an efficient and cost-effective choice for those juggling multiple online ventures.

Besides this, there are also three different types of certification levels of these certificates, which are explained as follows:

  • Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificate, it’s the basic option that proves you control the domain in question. Perfect for bloggers, portfolio sites, and other non-commercial endeavours, this certificate strikes a balance between simplicity and security.
  • Organisation Validated (OV) SSL Certificate: By displaying the organisation’s name and address, this certificate enhances the trustworthiness of your site. To obtain this certificate, expect a more thorough investigation of your business-related documents.
  • Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate: This prestigious certificate entails a comprehensive background check of your organisation. It is the gold standard of trustworthiness, offering the highest level of security. 

Why Is An SSL Important For Your Website?

Gone over the basics of SSL? Good. Now it’s time to hover over to the real reason you’re here. Let’s entail some of the core reasons why an SSL is important for your business website, no matter what type or niche it’s in.

Protection Of User Data

SSL ensures the confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged between a website and its visitors. How does it work? When a user enters personal information, such as credit card details or login credentials, SSL encrypts that data. Encryption transforms the information into an indecipherable code, making it virtually impossible for malicious actors to intercept or understand it.

The encrypted data travels securely from the user’s device to the web server, ensuring that on-looking eyes, which can include hackers and other malicious users, don’t see it. In this way, even if the data is intercepted, it’s useless to anyone who has access to it, as it’s heavily encrypted.

An SEO Point-Of-View

Besides creating value and genuinely helping users on the internet, the main goal behind every organisation on the internet, no matter how big or small, is to get better ranked on search engines. 

Though Google does say that having an SSL doesn’t “boost” any website SEO, as opposed to their original claims back in 2014, having an SSL means building trust with your users and having more on-site time by the users, both of which can contribute to being higher ranked on any search engine, whether it’s Google or any other.

Evade Hackers On The Internet

Hackers use a lot of techniques to violate the integrity of websites on the internet, which can include Man-In-The-Middle attacks, as well as deceptive methods like phishing to harm both your business as well as your audience.

Having a strong SSL certificate helps with that. An SSL ensures that your website isn’t easily duplicated by hackers, giving your users a clear signal of a phishing attack. 

And as we mentioned before, the ongoing traffic between your website and your users is fully encrypted by the SSL, which renders Man-In-The-Middle attacks useless against you and your business.

Bottom Line

The above is just a scratch off the surface of the never-ending list o reasons that your website needs an SSL, as it weaves a cloak of encryption, ensuring the safe passage of sensitive data and instilling trust in visitors.

By implementing SSL, you can not only fortify your digital fortress with strong walls but evade threats prematurely and preserve the integrity of your online presence.

So, embrace SSL, the stalwart defender of online security, and embark on a journey where protection, trust, and peace of mind prevail. Your website deserves nothing less than the impenetrable shield of SSL, paving the way to a safer and more secure digital realm.

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